Cronos, a long and successful tradition
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A long and successful tradition

Cronos was founded in 1954 as an office automation business company. Since 1969 Cronos has been developing engineered and highly technological IT solutions.

In the early Seventies, Cronos founded the Data Collection branch, which brought to the projection in 1981 of the First Italian Data Collection Program, a reference point in its sector.

Since 1992 Cronos produces Badge-Reader systems for Data Collection and Access Control.

Cronos owes its success to its products' up-to-date technology, flexibility, possibility to be integrated in any environment and peculiar design.

Every Cronos' project starts from an attentive observation of the Client's needs, which are studied, compared and transposed into the product.

Cronos has always been committed to innovation, and each of its products integrates the most advanced hardware and software technologies. Among them Cronos leverages the internet and the web to develop integrated "web-based" software solutions for data collection (in general and, more specifically, related to employees' presences at work) and access control.

Cronos: since 1957 the company has been committed to innovation, devolpment and success.

Smau Industrial Design Award: the prize awarded by one of the most prestigious design events at international level, is a real indicator of cultural trends. It is a point of reference for all market players.

Cronos Zero has been awarded the Smau Industrial Design Prize.

Cronos ZERO RFID reader system has received the "Segnalazione d'Onore" at the XIX edition of "Premio Compasso d'Oro Adi" and is currently exhibited at Mostra permanente del design italiano.